
Creating an audience

In this video, I'm going to show you how to create an audience. This is a demo site that we have called the Sunbreak Post. I'm just going to go to edit page. On the right hand side there is a list of audiences. You can hide or show it by clicking this button. We've got a couple in here already.

Creating a personalized block

In the last video I showed you how to create an audience. Now, I'm going to show you how to create a block. There’s a number of ways of doing this, but I’m just going to create a new block from the start. I'm going to say insert before. I have to choose my block type, so I’m going to click on the plus button, start typing personalised, here you go, here’s my personalized block. Now remember, this is a wrapper, so you can use any type of block that you like. We also show the anonymous view by default. I’m just going to create a simple paragraph block. “Hello, we don't know you”. To show you how this works, I’m going to quickly save it, and view the page. So it says, “Hello, we don’t know you”. Now I’m going to go back in and edit it, and this time I’m going to add the UK version. So if I click on here, you see a list oy my audiences, and I’m going to select UK visitors.

Transforming a block

In the last video I showed you how to create a personalized block. This time I'm going to show you how to transform an existing block into a personalized one. This is the location page in the sun break post, I click on edit page, and I select My Block here. On the left-hand side there's an icon and I can transform into a personalised block. As you see this is now the anonymous view, If I click on the audience content, I can switch to UK visitors. And now I change the location. So I’m going to replace the image. Open the media library. Select the Union Jack and change the label as well.

New visitor demo

In this video I'm going to show you how to use the new visitor characteristic. This is our home page on the Sunday post. I’m going to edit the page. There’s already an audience called new visitor, but I’ll show you how it works. I gave it a name new visitor, and the characteristic is new visitor. I'm using “is” and I'm just clicking the check mark. So basically this will pick up any new visitors. “Hello again, we know you”. This is for people who have been before. I.e. who aren’t new visitors. If I change it to personalise block and select New Visitor, “Welcome, lovely to meet you”. Let’s be friendly. I’m just going to move this to the top of the page as well.

Campaign querystring demo

In this video I'm going to show you how to use the query string. It's really powerful as it can be used for anything that’s passed in through the URL. This could be a coupon code, a UTM code or something from social media such as Facebook ClickID. In this example I've got a simple UTM code, and you can imagine that this been treated in hubspot or in MailChimp. I.e in the application that you use for your email campaigns, and you've already created the audiences in those campaigns, and the link that you give with the UTM code is unique, so effectively you can match the audiences you created in your email campaign software to audiences in Sunbreak. I’m going to click on the link.

Visited page demo

In this video I'm going to show you how to use the “Has visited” page characteristic. Last time we were using the query string to look at the landing page, but this time we’re going to try something new. So let’s go to our homepage, and edit it. We’re going to create a new audience.

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